O Preço Que Você Cobra Por Palavra é Irrisório Ou Justo?
Você está satisfeito com o preço máximo que você consegue praticar no mercado de tradução? O preço que você cobra por palavra é irrisório ou justo? Não são poucos os…
Você está satisfeito com o preço máximo que você consegue praticar no mercado de tradução? O preço que você cobra por palavra é irrisório ou justo? Não são poucos os…
WHAT DOES YOUR DIRECTORY TREE LOOK LIKE? Okay, we want you to think of a tree and what it looks like. Let's focus on its main parts. roots, trunk, and…
Fake is a Deliberate Misrepresentation of Facts. Over the past few years we've heard a lot about 'fake news', 'fake stories', 'alternative facts', and so on. Admittedly, while we all…
English Prepositions… Oh, Them! It comes as no surprise to anyone who works with languages that there are some words in Portuguese for which we can't find exact matches in…
Will Your Client Have a Hard Time Understanding Your Translation? We've established that translating is a technical skill, but more than that, it's an art. Every translator needs to have…
Need Help With a Term? Don't Be Too Proud To Ask! We translators have every reason to take pride in our profession and in the quality of work we strive…
Beware of 'Ad Pedem Litterae' The Latin expression 'ad pedem litterae' literally means 'to the foot of the letter', which is closest in meaning to the English expression 'to…
Idioms Can Be a Tough Nut to Crack I know we've said it before, but it's worth repeating: Translating is much more than a technical skill − it's an art.…
The Challenge We've established that translating is a technical skill, but more than that, it's an art. Every translator needs to have a deep understanding of the languages he or…
A Compilation of Data Collected By Robots We know we've mentioned this before but it's worth going over it again. Search engines such as DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, or Google also provide…