When Your Reputation as a Translator Goes Down the Drain.
Given that one's reputation and earning power go hand in hand, if you slip up, even inadvertently, and do something that causes a client to lose trust in your professional skills, then your standing and good name as a translator could go right down the drain...and with it, your income.
That's right, folks, you risk jeopardizing your reputation as a translator whenever you put too much faith in the free content you find on the Internet.
Maybe the translation you found 'looked' or 'felt' correct − but it wasn't and your client lost money because of your error.
Your standing and good name as a translator has gone right down the drain… and as a result you lose money!
Is it worth putting your neck on the chopping block that way?
Let us show you what we're talking about.
Let's search this English expression "TO PLAY FAST AND LOOSE".
Here are some of the 'translations' you might come across:
To play fast and loose (with something): Agir de forma irresponsável com (algo) | agir de forma indelicada com | brincar com (algo) | tratar com descaso | tratar algo) levianamente | considerar (algo) de forma leviana (they're playing fast and loose with our money = eles estão tratando nosso dinheiro com descaso).
The following example is even more laughable.
Now we're playing it fast and loose with ethics
Agora estamos jogando rápido e solto com a ética.
Now take a look at what you'll find for
in AVRO dx.
To play fast and loose (with something): Agir de forma irresponsável com (algo) | agir de forma indelicada com | brincar com (algo) | tratar com descaso | tratar algo) levianamente | considerar (algo) de forma leviana (they're playing fast and loose with our money = eles estão tratando nosso dinheiro com descaso).
So don't run the risk of throwing your good reputation down the drain!
The next time you watch a film and hear someone say:
And the translated subtitle reads:
Remember that this type of 'translation' is the same as putting your neck on the chopping block and consequently letting your REPUTATION go down the drain.
Once again, AVRO dx steps in to provide the correct translation:
Your reputation precedes you (omq I've heard a lot about you): Tenho ouvido falar muito sobre você (essa expressão em português é usada em contextos positivos = this PT term is used in positive contexts) (significa que as ações, a pesonalidade ou outras características importantes da pessoa se tornaram tão conhecidas por outras pessoas que você já ouviu falar sobre aquela pessoa sem mesmo tê-la conhecido pessoalmente = this means that the actions, personality, or other important characteristics about a person are well known and favorably received by other people before meeting that person); sua fama corre longe (essa expressão em português é usada em contextos negativos, quando os relatos sobre as ações da pessoa criaram uma impressão desfavorável = this PT term is used in negative contexts, when a person's reported actions have created an unfavorable impression).
See the difference between a pseudotranslation and an authentic, trustworthy translation that has been screened for accuracy?
That's the kind of translation you get when you use AVRO dx!
AVRO dx is a comprehensive (English-Portuguese-English) reliable database containing over 240,000 primary entries, thousands of technical terms from all segments, over 3,700 pictures, plus helpful example sentences and explanations.
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